Thursday, December 1, 2011

Busting Out of the Gate Naked

Who in their right mind would leave the house naked? People having a nightmare. You know the one. You're walking around in society and you're in your underwear. They say that means you feel unprepared for something. I feel unprepared to do this blog, but I'm going ahead. What sort of egomaniac has delusions that their thoughts are remotely interesting to others? I thank God that the world's greatest writers did.

They brought us forward, and a way to look back through our collective memory. I invented a saying, and it goes like this: You can't change history. But you CAN lie about your past.  I submitted that idea to Snorg T's. If they use it, they're going to send me a T-shirt and 150 bucks. I also sent them an idea of a skateboarder flying through the air with the caption that says- "Gravity is my Bitch".  There. Here is public proof I thought of them first.

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