Friday, December 30, 2011

What Hitler Taught Us

“As soon as by one's own propaganda even a glimpse of right on the other side is admitted, the cause for doubting one's own right is laid.”
Adolf Hitler

         Why quote Hitler? Wasn’t he insanely evil? Certainly. Wasn’t he an idiot? Hardly. He nearly took over the world, and idiots don’t go in the history books. Actually Hitler was a genius at manipulating masses of people into thinking what he wanted them to think. He played on the German people’s fears and vanity like a grand piano.
       You might think.. “That was Germany in the 40’s” We’re smarter than that now.  Are we?  Listen to how today’s terrorism is characterized in the media and by our most powerful men- “you’re either with us or with the terrorists” “They hate us because we’re free..” Today’s politicians certainly learned a few things from Adolph Hitler.
       Did you know the United States has been in the middle east bombing them for over 10 years? We’ve been over there occupying their land, trampling on what they consider holy ground, and in the process, killing innocent civilians. They don’t “hate us because we’re free” as we’ve been told. They hate us because when a man’s son dies from one of our bombs, the other joins a terrorist group to try to get us out of there. How would we feel if some country had troops on our soil, killing our families? I hear it said that listening, even briefly, to our enemies is dangerous. Do you know what I find dangerous to believe in this day and age? That our politicians have our best interests at heart. To continue to trust a government that has demonstrated nothing but greed, corruption, and views that get sold to the highest bidder. To continue believing any words of an entire class of people who say one thing, then do another.
             This is not the America I learned about in school. Look around at the TSA pat-downs, the banishment of unpopular views, the manipulation of the press through consolidation of ownership. Is this the America so many have died to protect?

Jason Shaw

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