Friday, December 9, 2011

Keep It Simple Stupid

You've heard the old adage, "Keep IT Simple Stupid".  In my own life, I'm always trying to simplify things like my finances, my daily routine, my jumble of internet bookmarks.  I guess the reason keeping things simple is because life is so...well,  not simple.  So many people want things to be simple that it's easy to reach for easy explanations and quick fixes.

Unfortunately, when we look at politics, social issues, economics, the reality is that most things are far from simple. Most social issues have a complex array of people involved, all with varying agendas, motivations, levels of understanding and capacity. Yet, many times when we hear the pundits and politicians, they lay out the problem in such two dimensional terms. "The problem is the plaid people don't get it and they don't want to pay money..." There. The problem is neatly summed up for a sound bite, but short on clarity.

Simplistic thinking may be one of the major plagues of our society. I listen to the news and hear the words, "The right doesn't get is "X" .....what the left doesn't understand is "X".   So we have Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other. I ask this: aren't there issues that have more than two sides?  Have you ever been mad as hell at someone you loved? Aren't there thousands of pieces to the average automobile that are necessary for it to run?

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